“We all need to pull together as one. In the face of climate change, only humanity working together is strong enough to save humanity”


Chris Harwood



I am a retired secondary-school teacher of Computing Science and have studied climate change ideas for years. I was finally convinced that I needed to take action when I watched Sir David Attenborough's Netflix documentary “A Life On Our Planet”. Following the programme, I formed a tree planting group and have since planted over 3,000 trees.

After listening to the advice of Simon Stiell, CEO of the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC), where he gave his ‘two years to save the planet’ speech, I knew I needed to do more.

In 2023, I ran the Great Big Green Week in Shaftesbury, in conjunction with Planet Shaftesbury. I am also an avid beekeeper!

Who am I?

Why am I standing?

I am running as a candidate for a number of reasons. I want to

  • help the farmers > how do they make a living?

  • bring down the cost of energy > renewable energy will tumble prices.

  • help solve the cost of living crisis > wealth created by Net Zero by 2030 push.

  • increase local employment > climate solutions will need thousands of new jobs.

  • increase large-scale home insulation > support to get as many homes as possible well-insulated.

  • enable the future generations to maintain a good quality of life > I have grandchildren.

  • regenerate > new areas of climate activity will bring new possibilities.

The things I care about in my constituency

  • A big farming community.

  • Employment.

  • Shops closing in towns.

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