Support us

Together we can create the political will needed to reach carbon zero by 2030.

Become a supporter

This year’s General Election is the year where we can make a real difference and put climate at the front of the agenda. We need supporters to engage with our campaign message and to spread the word at every opportunity.

Supporter cost

From £5 per month

For a small monthly subscription, you will receive:

  • Regular newsletter containing updates on our news and policies

  • Voting rights on Climate Party motions

  • Discount on Climate Party events

  • Discount on Climate Party merchandise

  • Climate Party Poster and campaign materials

Your contribution supports our campaign and marketing efforts such as our digital presence, leaflets and events. For those of you that can afford to do more, every donation goes a long way to making a difference. This extra income is vital as we prepare for the upcoming local and national elections.


Climate Party would like to acknowledge the kind help from the following organisations: