• Simple! We need strong Climate Leadership! Our current politicians are caught in a loop of short-termism and self interest.

    We have agreement at every level — scientists, government, business, and the vast majority of the public. People are very concerned about climate change, and they are frustrated.

    The Climate Party offers a voice for people who want something done. The main parties have failed us: they’ve had 30 years to act and now we are out of time.

    But we can solve this. Britain is a great country, and when we come together with the right leadership we can do great things.

    We believe the vast majority of the British people are willing to step up and play their part, but everything is stacked against them. Only the right government can change that.

    We’re here to make this happen.

  • Many of the problems we face — like the war in Ukraine and the spiralling cost of energy — are the direct result of our reliance on foreign oil and the failure of successive UK governments to secure our energy independence.

    And so many of the things we need to do — building an efficient modern economy, with good opportunities for young people, high-quality jobs, competing in the modern world — can only be delivered by taking on the challenges of climate change.

    If we don’t take up these opportunities now we will stagnate and fall behind.

  • There are two reasons why we don’t believe this is the case.

    Firstly, a significant proportion of conservative voters consider the Green Party to be positioned too far to the left and they'll never vote for them on principle. Secondly, the Green Party has very progressive positions on a wide range of issues beyond climate, many of which are divisive. So many voters who may well like the Green's stance on climate may be put off by its other messages.

    We offer a much-needed voice to people who are frustrated by the lack of climate ambition among mainstream parties, and who don't see voting for the Greens as an option.

    100+ Tory seats were won in the last election with a majority of around 5000 votes or less. By standing candidates in those seats we hope to win of course, but even if not we'll have a good chance of scaring the incumbents that we will take their majority away, and they'll raise their climate ambition in response. So with luck the combination of support for the Green Party on the left, and the Climate Party on the right, will kick the main party candidates into much more rapid and radical action.

  • Yes there are — and they are important. But many other problems — cost of living, global migration, food and energy security, to name a few — are connected to climate change. Until we address the root cause, they’ll only get worse.

    Every time these problems make the headlines, climate action is pushed back, and the impact on our lives and our pockets gets worse. We are literally fire-fighting each new issue, while the world around us burns.

  • The UK is an international leader in words — and we’ve just had five years of a Prime Minister who is very good with words. But we’re not a leader in action, and we are falling way behind.

  • Yes they say it, but they don’t deliver — in no small part because they can get distracted by endless debates on other issues.

    So we speak on one issue only, but we speak for everyone — and we listen to everyone. History shows that when we pull together we can move mountains. And by uniting the British people on this one key issue we believe we can build a better future for us all.

  • Because we’re way beyond a campaign! We believe strongly that government needs to take a lead on climate change, and the way to do that is through the political system.

    By standing for election we are in the system — debating the real issues, forcing other parties to step up, and putting forward the policies we need.

  • It’s true that many countries aren’t doing enough on climate change.

    But this is about doing what’s right for us: rebuilding our key infrastructure, regaining our energy independence, reducing the cost of living, and rejuvenating our communities through new jobs and opportunities.

    Together we can usher in a new phase of prosperity for the British people, raising living standards for all.