My generation have seen, marvelled at and been inspired by the abundance of the natural world – we owe it to our children and their children to restore and preserve it


Chris Nevile



I have lived in the Banbury area for the last 25 years.  I recently retired from the financial services industry, a career advising private families, companies and charities on investing and achieving their financial aims.  

I grew up on a family farm in Lincolnshire which I now own and work with neighbouring farms and businesses on two initiatives to improve the natural environment and serve the local community.  These are the Lincoln and Witham Land Recovery Project, a 20 year scheme which covers 30 farms over 50 square miles.  It is the only one in the county and one of the largest in the East of England. I have also initiated a project with other landowners to host a solar farm which will deliver clean electricity to Lincoln and the surrounding area.

Who am I?

Why am I standing?

I find the ongoing destruction of our soil fertility, insect, bird and animal species and the reckless pollution of our rivers intolerable.  I found in the Climate Party a philosophy that chimed with my own.

My pledges

  • To apply pressure on Government to meet its commitment to Net Zero 2050 by 2030.

  • Incentivise UK manufacturing to create a clean energy powerhouse and a prosperous country.

  • Stop the continued pollution of our rivers, lakes and streams.

In our constituency

  • Help farmers transitioning to sustainable and environmental food production.

  • To promote better health in our community.

  • Affordable and sustainable housebuilding.

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