“The greatest economic opportunity of this century is in the emerging cleantech revolution”


Craig Jamieson



I'm a specialist in agricultural systems that increases food and clean fuel production, builds rural prosperity and protects the environment. I have a masters degree in 'Sustainable Rural Development' and am founder and director of an award-winning British cleantech company with operations in the East of England and SE Asia.

Who am I?

Why am I standing?

The greatest economic opportunity of this century is in the emerging cleantech revolution. From renewable energy and storage technologies to agriculture and food, I want Britain to lead, export know-how around the world and prosper from this new industrial revolution in every corner of the country. At the same time, for the less well-off, there are immediate struggles and concerns, like the housing and cost of living crisis, that must be tackled immediately.

My pledges

I propose a new, fair and business-friendly policy framework that will:

a) Provide vital, immediate support for the most vulnerable in our community.

b) Create new job opportunities in Clacton and across the country through development of world-beating clean technologies; and

c) Incentivise rapid cuts in pollution from large emitters in the most cost-effective, business-friendly way without heavy government intervention.

Our policies will be a blueprint for others to follow, giving much-needed hope for the future. In an increasingly weary and divided political landscape, the Climate Party is a fresh, exciting party with a positive, unifying vision. I have so much more to say about this and look forward to meeting you, hearing your views and concerns, and engaging in hustings throughout this election campaign.

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