“A safer, cleaner and brighter future for all parts of the constituency”


David Buckley



Having a long career of over 40 years as a business owner and investor, in both manufacturing and technology (in particular the convenience sector / high street regeneration), I found myself politically homeless in 2019.

After searching for a new home for my vote I realised that none of the political parties represented me any longer. I looked at why the political parties and their candidates were failing us and found that as they are already corrupted by agreeing to put their party agendas first. Politicians rarely put people or the right decisions above their party agendas, as they are interested in staying in power and their policies are reactive rather than proactive. This creates instability in the economy, job markets, investment sectors and a lack of sustainability. I found that only an Independent could put my needs and my loved one’s needs first every time.

Who am I?

Why am I standing?

Locally elected Independents are more accessible, devoted to their constituents and always support or create policies that put the people before politics. This is the future culture I wished to see grow in Parliament and at every level of government. (in my case from Parish to Parliament).

So, in 2019 I set about looking at ways an Independent could change the culture in Parliament, someone who could make common sense decisions, putting people first. Decisions that would focus on improving people’s lives from the bottom up and the top down.

I looked at the constituency of Windsor and I could see that this particular constituency, could be the beacon for change. Why Windsor? Windsor constituency covers Langley to Ascot and like most constituencies has a large, varied demographic requiring different levels of wealth, health and education services. However it is extremely important because it is a Royal constituency.

If the constituency of Windsor could put an Independent into Parliament for the first time in it’s history, it would change politics forever and allow a reset of the culture within Parliament. Additionally, this would show the rest of the constituencies across the UK that if Windsor can make this change and give people a voice, they could do it too. This would instil hope and aspiration to all and show that they CAN create change and hold Parliament to account, whereas right now they appear to be unaccountable.

The things I care about in my community

I wish to see our community prosper and develop with the highest quality of life and sustainability by using a missionary approach with a socially responsible core. This will create a safer, cleaner and brighter future for all parts of the constituency from Langley to Ascot.

If elected, I will continue to be part of the community at every level, accessible to all, always. I will only travel to Westminster when I am required to, in order to put my constituents or our country first. Be assured that my main focus will be to stand side by side with constituents making the changes we need in Parliament to make our lives better every day.

We need hard working MP’s now, who understand and can see what is needed across a complex set of issues around the constituency. You need an MP who can link up all the agencies, all levels of government and communities together to make the positive changes we all need.

I will be honest it is going to be a long hard journey with no short cuts, but I will be here for the journey making sure we are progressing at every opportunity.

The Buck Stops here!

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