Ed Gemmell





Ed Gemmell



I am an ex Army Officer and City Lawyer and have always been interested in climate change. My passion grew once I realised that this was the commercial opportunity of the century. 

None of the mainstream parties are capitalising on this economic opportunity, which has led to the establishment of the Climate Party - the only pro-business, pro-climate political party.

I am Leader of the party as well as Managing Director of Scientists Warning Europe and am standing as a candidate in the Wycombe constituency, where I live with my two sons.

Who am I?

“A vote for me is a vote for a richer, greener Britain.”

Why am I standing?

Steve Baker, a member of the Net Zero Scrutiny Group, has failed the people of Wycombe by failing to capitalise on the commercial opportunity of the century: climate change. 

Wycombe has been neglected but it has potential. I am standing to fight for how much better Wycombe could be if it was represented by politicians who actually cared.

My pledges

  • Prosperity for Wycombe and Britain

  • British leadership of the Clean Industrial Revolution

  • Investing in British manufacturing and a vibrant economy

My focus is on Wycombe, campaigning for:

  • Wycombe Business Hub

  • Wycombe A&E

  • Wycombe Museum

  • Regenerating Wycombe Town Centre

  • Protecting our chalk streams including the River Wye

  • Wycombe Town Council

  • Wycombe Youth Incubator

  • Protecting green spaces

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