“I am promoting a sustainable and prosperous future for your future generations locally, nationally and worldwide”


Mike Longfellow


Doncaster East and the Isle of Axholme

I am resident in Doncaster East and The Isle of Axholme and have lived in the Doncaster area for most of my life. 

I have recently retired after selling a successful Grounds Maintenance business operating in the Doncaster and North Lincolnshire areas.

This business led me into completing many rewilding projects large and small and I have carried this through into my retirement contributing to local voluntary rewilding work.

Who am I?

Why am I standing?

Like so many people I’ve been dismayed at the degradation of our natural environment - the UK is in the bottom 10% globally for biodiversity with plant and animal species still in decline.

Looking at the main political parties their environmental policies are governed by party faction infighting and political ends rather than being based on common sense and proven science. 

The Conservatives have rowed back by 5 years on their commitment to Carbon Zero in 2030 and Labour have deferred their “green revolution”.

My frustration with the inaction of the main parties led me to the Climate Party which hit a note with my own thinking.

My pledges

  • Pressure whichever government to recommit to 2030 carbon zero and a UK led clean Industrial Revolution.

  • Proposing funding and support for UK science and manufacturing to lead the world in renewable energy and allied initiatives. 

  • Work at National and local level to increase funding and support for agricultural and horticultural community initiatives to produce food profitably at a local level using regenerative and organic systems.

  • Similarly lobby to  increase support  and funding for local community and business rewilding initiatives.

  • Promote fast track planning for onshore wind and solar farms.

In our constituency

  • Explore reopening the Railway College as a  Regional Hub for Regenerative Energy Initiatives and Training for allied trades. 

  • Ensure in local planning all new housing is fitted with Air or Geothermic Heat Pumps.

  • Promote building of  affordable housing in the constituency particularly rural areas. 

  • Compete for a larger road repair budget for Doncaster and The Isle of Axholme constituency .

The success of my business was built on offering customers a reliable service, common sense advice and dealing promptly with any problems that arose and I will serve the Doncaster East and The Isle of Axholme constituents with the same standards.

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