“I would like to see it enshrined in law that UK governments of every political persuasion, including coalitions, must ensure that none of their policies and subsequent laws can add to inequality”


Pippa Bartolotti


Newport East

Born in Cornwall, my youth held the privilege of the sea, the sun and the rolling hills of childhood freedom. A budding pianist, a misfit at school, I blossomed at art college and was propelled to the heady heights of fashion design where perhaps my greatest achievement was to discover, one morning, that my designs graced the windows of every shop window in Oxford Street.

By 1991 I had managed two of my own companies, made the shift into electronics, become CEO of Encrypta Electronics, and moved to Wales from where my own children could experience the joys of a country life. Directorships of other companies followed. In 1997 I accepted a position with the Welsh Development Agency working to grow indigenous businesses; from there I moved to the Welsh Assembly Government working on business consultancy.

I have lived in Cuba, backpacked round India, and driven a convoy of humanitarian aid across Europe to Gaza. I stood as a Green Party parliamentary candidate in 2010 and as an Assembly Member in 2011 and have been Principle Spokesperson for Wales Green Party.

My life as a human rights campaigner has always run in parallel to my professional work and love of motherhood. From early days as a Samaritan, to schools speaker for Amnesty I have never stopped campaigning for the rights of the voiceless. In July 2011, whilst attempting to enter Bethlehem and visit Palestinians living on the West Bank, I was arrested by Israeli security and imprisoned in Givon jail, Ramla. 

I have 3 children, six grandchildren and am married to a US citizen. I am standing as an Independent candidate in the 2024 General Election. A published author, I work with the themes of climate change and human rights, and sticking closely to the science, challenge the destructive political trajectory laid out before us. 

Who am I?

Why am I standing?

If elected, I would like to bring in an Inequality Reduction Act 

Inequality in the UK is growing. The UK has one of the highest levels of income inequality in Europe. Millions of working families have been thrown into food and energy insecurity. I would like to see it enshrined in law that UK governments of every political persuasion, including coalitions, must ensure that none of their policies and subsequent laws can add to inequality.

Westminster politics has descended into a moral abyss. We urgently need a huge tranche of Independent candidates to be elected to the House of Commons and restore a vital sense of humanity, trust and political responsibility. As a seasoned politician I am very well placed to join the many other Independent candidates in the task of making our democracy something we can once again be proud of.

What I care about in my constituency

More than a third of children in Wales are living in poverty, more than anywhere else in the UK. Deprivation in Newport is high and becoming higher. Many areas are neglected. Shockingly, more than a quarter of children in Newport are living in poverty. Money is not the only thing needed. Political will is essential.

The current cost of living crisis is making the situation worse. If they truly cared about changing this, Welsh MP’s, regardless of political affiliations, would form a bloc for the purpose of bringing more money from Westminster to Wales. Since leaving the EU, many funding streams have disappeared leaving Wales materially worse off. Putting party before people is causing unforgivable neglect in Newport.

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