July 2023 Newsletter

Dear Climate Party Supporters

Welcome to the first edition of our Climate Party Newsletter, Mission 2030. This is the first in a series of regular bulletins about all things Climate Party-related including how you, our supporters, can help us to grow the party.

While this newsletter was in preparation we received news of the resignation of the ex-prime minister, Boris Johnson, and the three impending by-elections. So this newsletter will briefly look at our current campaign in Uxbridge and South Ruislip and another will come out next week looking at our campaign in Selby and Ainsty.

The events of 9 June 2023 galvanised us into action – this was our opportunity to field our first ever Climate Party candidate in a by-election and would be a great way to prepare the ground for running in the next General Election, which is just round the corner. I wasted no time in putting myself forward as the Climate Party candidate for Uxbridge and South Ruislip while one of our supporters, Luke Wellock, is representing the Climate Party in Selby and Ainsty.

I have been literally “running” round the constituency, delivering leaflets, and introducing myself and the Climate Party to as many of the local electorate as I can on my travels and speaking to them about the issues that concern the residents of Uxbridge and South Ruislip – ULEZ, local crime and policing and concerns around the NHS. I’ve been pleasantly surprised at how well the climate message is coming across with the people I am speaking to, especially as so many are disillusioned with the current government and want something new that represents strong leadership and promises change. But I need your help please! We need as many volunteers as possible to come and help in this last push towards polling day on 20 July. We have just one more weekend – please join me!

As well as volunteers we need cash to fund our campaign so last week we launched our crowdfunding page. Please spread the word to your friends and urge them to support us in any way they can – either by coming out with me on the campaign trail or making a donation. Even a £5 donation will raise the profile of our cause and help us to reach a bigger audience. Visit https://www.crowdfunder.co.uk/p/climate-party

To find out where and when to meet me to help with delivering leaflets and talking to people in Uxbridge and South Ruislip between now and polling day, please e-mail us at info@theclimate.party or call me on 07740 763530. Next Saturday, 15 July, we will be meeting in Wenzel’s Bakery, 52 Oxford Road, Denham UB9 4DH (opposite MacDonalds) at 9am with lunch at midday then starting an afternoon session at 1pm. We will have a similar plan for Sunday, but starting at 10am. Please join us for some or all of the day – any help would be great.

Our vision, when we officially launched the party on 5 September last year, was to put pressure on the mainstream parties to massively up their game regarding reduction of carbon emissions. This forthcoming by-election has given us our first chance to show the mainstream parties that we mean business.  When the General Election comes, by fielding Climate Party candidates in over 100 marginal constituencies of the two main parties, and taking on climate deniers we can really drive action for local and national decarbonisation by 2030.  

For more information about the Climate Party, to become one of our volunteers or to suggest or offer any content for this newsletter please e-mail us at info@theclimate.party.

With best wishes

Ed Gemmell


October 2023 Newsletter