October 2023 Newsletter

Dear Friend

We're on our way!

We are out of the starting blocks and well on track to getting the subject of decarbonisation by 2030 firmly on the public agenda by next year's General Election.  Since our last newsletter in July, we have run two candidates in by elections in Uxbridge and South Ruislip and also in Selby and Ainsty. Our leader, Ed Gemmell has also taken on climate change deniers during TV interviews* and shouted out our message at every given opportunity trumpeting that Britain needs to be leading the new, clean industrial revolution with a World beating decarbonisation target. Ironically, while trashing Britain’s credentials as a credible leader on climate action, Rishi Sunak did the Climate Party a big political favour when he announced his U-turn on the government's climate change commitments last month. By the end of his 5 minute speech he had driven climate conscious Conservatives into the Climate Party’s arms as they find themselves unable to vote for a leader whose has no interest in preventing climate change  and whose only interest is to cling to power no matter the cost to all of our futures. 

Setting a much more ambitious net zero target would enable Britain to lead the new clean industrial revolution and  exploit what will be the biggest business opportunity on the planet, The mainstream parties can’t see this and  are happy to let other nations prosper from growing their manufacturing base while Britain’s industrial base declines. Both Labour and the Conservatives seem happy that other countries like China should lead the World manufacturing the majority of the World’s wind turbines, solar panels and batteries which Britain is forced to buy from them deepening our trade deficit. Will the mainstream parties ever have a "light-bulb moment" and realise the trick they are missing by constantly outsourcing the manufacture of these goods?

Turbo-charging British manufacturing

Our mission between now and the General Election is to do our utmost to make the main contenders for the next government see the light,  by turning the attention of their traditional voters towards the Climate Party, a party that genuinely has the welfare and prosperity of the whole population at heart.  Our message is loud and clear - leading the World with a 2030 target would provide the certainty and scale needed to ensure British industry thrives, innovation sky-rockets, and British based financial institutions lead the world in climate finance. Reaching carbon neutrality by 2030 would see the cost of living crisis over, energy and food security established and prosperity in the 2030s for British people.

We need candidates and volunteers!

Please join us in putting pressure on the two mainstream parties to adopt the 2030 decarbonisation target in the General Election.  Net zero by 2050 dooms the British economy and is simply not in line with the science. We need to get our message out every way we can,  especially through the political system.  We are keen to hear from anyone interested in putting themselves forward as a Climate Party candidate in the next general election or who can volunteer in any capacity. Could it be you? Or do you know someone who could be interested? If so, please let us know as soon as possible by sending an email to info@theclimate.party

And we need funds!

Passion and a strong conviction for our cause will only get us so far - like all political parties we need funds to operate.  Our fantastic team of volunteers is going a long way to keep our running costs down, but we still need money for campaign materials, and the more people we can reach, the more impact we can make at the General Election.   And the more supporters we have, the louder our voice, so please encourage your friends and contacts to support the Climate Party by registering on our website https://theclimate.party/support-us. Please ask them to follow us on all our social media  channels including Twitter @theclimateparty and @EdmundGemmell.

For more information about the Climate Party, to find out more about becoming a Climate Party candidate for the General Election or to feedback to us on this newsletter please e-mail us at info@theclimate.party

With best wishes

The Climate Party

The only party focussed 100% on the climate and biodiversity crisis and on the commercial opportunity it presents for Britain

*Visit https://youtu.be/qCDUPQ6RDMc?si=Kuu6QYJr6hL9-04v to view Ed’s lively interview with Julia Hartley-Brewer on Talk TV. 

The Climate Party

The Climate Party · United Kingdom


July 2023 Newsletter


January 2024 Newsletter